Filed under: Gardening, Fun Stuff, Holidays
If you carved this pumpkin, you could probably live in it.What weight would you guess for the biggest pumpkin ever grown? 500 pounds? 1,000 pounds? Try, 1,810.5 pounds. The giant pumpkin, grown by Wisconsin's Chris Stevens, is currently on display at The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) until Halloween, along with two other prize-winning pumpkins from regional weigh-offs across the United States.
I've seen these pumpkins, and let me tell you: These are some palace-sized pumpkins. Stevens's pumpkin is the current world record holder!
The world's biggest pumpkin: It weighs more than 1,800 pounds! Photo: Laura Fenton
The growing and judging of giant pumpkins is serious business, with an organization, The Great Pumpkin Commonwealth, dedicated to the oversight and jurisdiction of pumpkin weigh-offs around the globe.
Here are the two runners-up to Chris Stevens's world record:
It's hard to believe all these differently-sized pumpkins are the same vegetable! Photo: Laura Fenton
Location: Washington, Michigan
Weight: 1,725 pounds
This gigantic pumpkin dwarfs the large pumpkin at its side. Photo: Laura Fenton
Location: Sharon, Massachusetts
Weight: 1,674.5 pounds
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- Make Your Backyard Into Wildlife Habitat
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This story on maniac pumpkin carvers on Holidash is a must read!