Filed under: Your Home, Famous Homes, Fun Stuff, Holidays, Design, etc, House Tours, Cool Homes
We love our dads. But do we love their taste?In honor of Father's Day, we're taking a look at the most manly room in the house -- the man cave. Whether you love them or love to hate them, they exist -- and boy, are these photos proof of that! They're packed with taxidermy, guitars, and a vibe that we're going to go ahead and describe as dude-tastic. Of course, not all caves are created equal.
Dear readers, if you've never shared a ShelterPop article with your dad, this is the one to pass on.
Enter If You Dare: Man Caves
We love the fearless color pairings in Cory Berry's man cave -- and while we know that the MEGO 1970's Planet of the Apes collection on the table probably means the world to him, we can't say we "get it". But know what? We love him for loving it.
Think all man caves are furnished with cheap coffee tables and cheesy leather barcaloungers? Not this one. "All of the furniture is vintage 1960's and 1970's," he tells us, "And the tables on either end of the green couch were hand made by my grandfather in the 1950's." Very impressive.
Who says you can't make a salon wall with vintage Grateful Dead posters? We love the way the posters look framed above another MEGO collection -- this time it's Planet of the Apes figures. And they couldn't be lined up any neater. Bravo!
No, John Harr is not a minimalist. But he is a computer programmer, a Mensa member and a candy lover. "Sure, it's cluttered and unorganized and full of WD-40 and screw drivers," says his daughter Laura Hammet, "But it is also full of marbles, buttons, clocks and hand radios."
Ever find yourself tearing your home apart searching for something? We bet John has it stashed somewhere in his man cave (and he probably knows exactly where it is.) "It's a pocket protector wearing dad's treasure trove!" says Laura.
Music Man Cave
Music Man Cave
Father and son Michael and Ryan Harty share this "guys hangout" -- a freestanding shed that Mrs. Harty never visits. Ever. "When she wants us to come in, she calls our cellphones," says Ryan.
Above the doorway to the shed is Barry the Barry, a taxidermy bear courtesy of one of Michael's hunting trips. Originally, it was planned as decor for the house but after being deemed too scary, it went straight to the man cave.
What good is a man cave without a good tool area? We love the old school computer and boom box, for staying entertained while fixing things up.
And let us know about the man cave situation in your home...
Now spill: Fun, or just crazy?